10 Fastest train in the world

10 Fastest train in the world

10 Fastest train in the world

Fastest train in the world are nearly on verge of beating airplanes sooner currently they are crossing 300 mph while planes travel at speed on average of 600 mph. But fastest plane speed is way more than fastest train but, we can’t directly compare two separate means of transportations. So, here’s the list of 10 fastest train in the world.

10. Eurostar e320

Eurostar e320 an international high speed rail service showing its speed for United Kingdom built by Siemens in 2015 has top speed capability of 200 mph. The train takes nearly two hours to travel from Paris to London which can be perfect for tourists looking for quick ground travel.

9. Korail KTX

Korail KTX or we can even say Korea Train Express (KTX) by Korean Railroad Corporation is connecting Seoul to Busan. The top speed of Korail KTX is 205mph. This conventional rail was built by Hyundai. Furthermore, the best competitor is SRT which travels same distance in less time but that not because of speed.

8. Deutsch Bahn ICE

A long-distance intercity rail connecting Berlin and Munich. Crafted all together by Siemens and this was reported as one of the costliest projects by company. Beyond cost the train is highly efficient due to the aerodynamics shape and the speed it can touch is 205 mph.

7. Haramain Western Railway

You can’t keep Dubai out of any race. The intercity rail Haramain Western Railway with speed of 217 mph is not only fastest but with ability to commute 3 million people a year. The train is electrified and that’s most futuristic approach in Zero Emission race.

6. Talgo 350

A high-speed train from state government with the max speed it can make out of 217 mph. A high-speed train nearly 200m long developed by Talgo, Bombardier.

5. AGV Italo

AGV Italo was developed by Alstom for Italy which touches the max speed of 223 mph. The best thing about is it can be adjusted as per requirement of carriages and seating capacity of people.

4. Shinkansen

Shinkansen comes from Japan with top notch speed of 224 mph, comprises for luxury and comfort. Shinkansen was built by Hitachi and Kawasaki Heavy Industries. The Best thing about this is the aerodynamic structure makes the best out of it.

3. CRH380A Hexie

CRH380A Hexie which in testing stage is ought to touch 302 mph. The conventional rail from China built by CSR Qingdao Sifang Locomotive & Rolling Stock Co. Ltd was later joined by Alstom and Siemens. The overhead catenary electric powered train currently reaches 236 mph.

2. Fuxing Hao CR400AF/BF

Fuxing Hao CR400AF/BF once again a bullet train from China touching the speed of 249 mph. It was built by CRCC with maximum record speed of 260 mph. The train Fuxing Hao CR400AF was nicknamed Blue Dolphin while Fuxing Hao CR400BF was nicknamed Golden Phoenix.

1. Shanghai Maglev Train

One of the world most fastest train in the world touching the speed of 268 mph. It was initial started in 2004 but, had sever loses in business. Moreover, Shanghai Maglev Train has just two station and one line.

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