Tag - General Knowledge

Most Spoken Languages in World

Most Spoken Languages in World

Most spoken languages mainly relates with India. In the list of 10 nearly 4 languages are such have some or other belonging with India, if we include English than nearly 5 Languages of 10 comes from India. The other factor which is behind the most spoken language is the population of the country. Let’s start...

10 Coldest Country in world

10 Coldest Country in world

Coldest Country in the world is generally based on the climatic conditions and generally they remain cold during any specific season. But some days have been recorded as coldest as per records, where is colder than ever and situations get worst making it hard for human survival. Here’s the list of 10 Coldest Countries where...

10 Richest Person in the world

10 Richest Person in the world

Richest People in the world has been highly updated since last few years. This list had Bill gates at top long-long time. But, with growing technology and other dynamic economic changes, the richest people’s list repels same changes. If we cumulate the world data, US has the greatest number of Billionaires followed by China, Germany...

Beijing China

Top 10 countries with the most inhabitants

10. Mexico Mexico has a population of 128,649,565. Mexico consists of 31 states, which makes Mexico City one of the largest cities in the world. 9. Russia Russia has 141,722,205 inhabitants. What is very striking is that more than three quarters of the inhabitants live in the city of Moscow. 8. Bangladesh Bangladesh has a population of 162,650,853. What is...